If you are in need of custom product for you business or event please follow our how it works page. Typically, if you need something quick and simple, we would suggest you shop our online products and customize our products with your design or logo. If you are looking for larger volume and would like some help from our team, fill out our "Quick Quote" form and a desinger from our team will get in touch to further assist you.
If you are ordering directly from Monomoy and doing your own customization, you will see a box right below the upload design button. Here you can leave a note for the graphic designer on what you would like to change. If you request something, be on the lookout from one of our designers as we will then need to confirm with the the update. Our standard shipping times begin once you approve our updates.
If you are ordering through our "QUICK QUOTE" Form, please just specify updates to your design or logo in the "NOTES" section of the form. You will be able to confirm the updates when our designer sends the intial round of mock ups. From there you can request additional adjustments. We want to make sure your patch looks perfect!
Example - If you order 100 hats across 10 different styles and colors, you will get the 100 hat % off discount on all the hats in your cart.